India of My Dreams ’21
Orgenised independently India of My Dreams 10th All India Art Competition for Children. 2021 October 1-31

Create Collage ’21 and Creations & Expressions ‘21
Orgenised independently online art exhibitions Create Collage ’21 and Creations & Expressions ‘21 (2021 August 31 onwards) live...

Orgenised independently FAUNA ’21 (Collage Making Competition) for children. Online children art exhibitions live since 2021 April 30...

Creations & Expressions of Lockdown ‘20
Orgenised independently online art exhibitions Creations & Expressions of Lockdown (2020 September 15 Onward) live on website ARTinfoINDIA.COM

My Favourite Indian Monument & Covid-19 A Challenge
Orgenised independently My Favourite Indian Monument & Covid-19 A Challenge (2020 July 15-15 August) 9th Online All India...

Artists’ Collage During Lockdown
Orgenised independently Artists’ Collage During Lockdown (2020 July 15) Online collage making contest for artist and exhibitions live...

Create Collage During Lockdown
Orgenised independently Create Collage During Lockdown (Collage Making 2020 May 1-31) Online All India Children Art Contest. Exhibitions...

My Favourite Festival ‘2019
Orgenised independently My Favourite Festival 8th All India Children Art Contest for School Children (2019 July 1-31). Exhibition...

Bharat Ke Rang-Festival of Democracy ’19 (Contest)
Orgenised independently photography contest Bharat Ke Rang-Festival of Democracy (2019 April 11-23 May) for Student, Working People, House...

Bharat Ke Rang-Festivals of India (Exhibition)
Orgenised independently Photo Art Exhibition Bharat Ke Rang-Festivals of India (2019 February 20-20 March) at India Habitat Centre,...

Colours of National Symbols ’18
Orgenised independently Colours of National Symbols ’18 (2018 July 1-31) 7th All India Children Art Contest. Exhibition (1-30...

Bharat Ke Rang-Festivals of India ‘18 (Contest)
Orgenised independently Bharat Ke Rang-Festivals of India ‘18 (2018 March 15 Onwards)photography contest for Student, Working People, House...

Bharat Ke Rang(Exhibition)
Orgenised independently Photo Art Exhibition Bharat Ke Rang (2018 February 1-28 March) at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Bharat Ke Rang ’17 (Contest)
Orgenised independently Bharat Ke Rang ‘17 (2017 November 1-30) photography contest for Student, Working People, House wives and...

Colours of National Symbols ’17
Orgenised independently Colours of National Symbols ’17 6th All India Children Art Contest for School Children (2017 July...